EXHIBITIONS / The Notational Shift

26 January, 2019 - 15 September, 2019
MUSAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León) León
José Iges y Manuel Olveira

Notation is generally understood as a system of conventional symbols used to express mathematical, physical, chemical, musical and other kinds of concepts. If we were to remove the word ‘conventional’ from the definition, the way notation is understood expands beyond formal languages and immersing us in an artistic realm where everything can be unstable, fragile and open, causing communication systems to unfold and adjust to the artist’s vision.

Seen from this perspective, the exhibition The Notational Shift implies an extension, if not a direct transgression on the part of the participating artists, of the concept of notation and its traditional functions. The aim of the exhibition is to showcase a series of creative practices related to notational systems, which allow forms of ‘writing’ to be encoded, to represent and identify languages that translate reality, that translate one language to another or interpret and decode them. They are therefore ‘tools’ for representing, translating and encoding all kinds of territories: physical, geographical, mental, emotional, social, conceptual, linguistic and so on, that are structured as forms of representation and of the expression of sounds, movements and spaces, among others, but with a shift that distances them from mere conventional notation.


MUSAC, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (León)


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