Vitězslav Nezval; Karel Teige
Abeceda. Taneční komposice: Milči Mayerové, Prague: Nákladem J. Otto, 1926
Hanne Darboven
Hommage an meinen Vater, 1989 [detail]
Daniel Buren
The Rotating Square-In and Out of the Frame, 1989
Le Corbusier
Poème de l´Angle Droit, 1955. Collage on paper, 42.8 x 32 cm [detail]
Isidoro Valcárcel Medina
Edificio para parados, 1984. Ink on tracing paper, 86 x 140 cm
New Babylon, Amsterdam: Galerie d´Eendt, 1963 [detail]
Horacio Zabala
Revisar/Censurar, 1974. Ink on paper, 21 x 15.5 cm ea.
Elías Adasme
A Chile, 1979-1980 [detail]
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
El Futurismo, Valencia: F. Sempere y Compañía, 1911
Kurt Schwitters
Die Kathedrale, Hannover: Paul Steegmann, 1920
Vasily Kandinsky
Über das Geistige in der Kunst, Munich: R. Piper & Co., 1912
Aleksei Gan
Konstruktivizm, Tver: Tverskoe izdatel’stvo, 1922
Piet Mondrian
Le Neo-plasticisme, Paris: L’Effort Moderne, 1920
Kazimir Malevich
O novykh v iskusstve. Statika i skorost, Vitebsk: Artel’ khudozhestvennogo truda pri Vitsvomas, 1919
Aspen, vol. 1, n. 3, New York: Roaring Fork, 1966
Block: Czasopismoawangardy artystycznej, n. 6-7, Warsaw: Henryk Stazewski et al., 1924
17 July, 2014 - 14 December, 2014
Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de Santander y Cantabria (MAS), Santander
"The Idea of Art" presents a selection of more than 500 items from the Archive, made by over 100 creators including books, posters, hand-written documentation, photographs, paintings, sculpture, drawings and materials in many other formats. The selection will present visitors with a panorama of the diverse conceptual lines through which the rich bibliographic collection that is the Lafuente Archive has been assembled. The works and documents are grouped together according to 28 key words, or conceptual headings, which call to mind the idea of ‘entries’ in a conventional archive and which constitute, in the spaces of MAS, titles for display units. The key words are the following: archive, chance, biography, collage, mail (art), design, document, writing, experimentation, photography, photomontage, geometry, war, letter, book, manifesto, map, material, poetry, project, radical, magazine, revolution, society, utopia, journey, life, violence. The term ‘book’ in particular has given rise to an especially broad development, which visitors can see in the museum’s Espacio MeBas.
Featured artists include Carl Andre, Daniel Buren, Hanne Darboven, Joseph Beuys, Le Corbusier, Gilbert & George, Mathias Goeritz, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Keith Haring, Isidore Isou, Sol LeWitt, Jules Olitski, Ulises Carrión, Felipe Ehrenberg, Carlo Ginzburg, Clemente Padín, Luis Pazos, Julio Plaza, Joaquín Torres-García, Edgardo Antonio Vigo, Horacio Zabala, Elena Asins, José Luis Castillejo, Cristina Iglesias, Concha Jerez, Pedro G. Romero, Eduardo Sanz, Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, and Xesús Vázquez.
Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de Santander y Cantabria