EXHIBITIONS / The Art of Seeing: Treaties, Magazines, Manifestos

14 September, 2016 - 23 October, 2016
Palacete del Embarcadero, Santander
Luis Sazatornil Ruiz, Fernando Villaseñor Sebastián, Javier Maderuelo

On the occasion of the 20th Congreso Nacional de Historiadores del Arte (Santander, September, 2016), focused on "Artistic Education", the exhibition "The Art of Seeing: Treaties, Magazines, Manifestos" explores the literary sources used to train artists: treaties, manuals, manifestos and magazines, among others, for the purpose of presenting the way artistic ideas are received through the bibliographic and documental pieces brought together in two collections preserved in Santander: Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo and Lafuente Archive. The exhibition is divided into 16 sections, 12 of which are dedicated to the collection of Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo, and four to the Archivo Lafuente, with titles such as ‘Vitrubio y la arquitectura del siglo xvi’; ‘Herrera, la figura cúbica y El Escorial’; ‘Ceán y los ilustres profesores de las Bellas Artes’; ‘Literatura artística en tiempos de Ilustración’; ‘Arquitectura y obras públicas en el siglo xix’; ‘El arte de los manifiestos: futurismo, dadaísmo, surrealismo, Bauhaus’; ‘Libros libres: la revolución tipográfica: movimientos, libros fundacionales y repertories’; ‘El papel de las revistas: Wendingen, red internacional de revistas, Minotaure’; and ‘Recepción de las vanguardias en España: futurismo, ultraísmo, creacionismo y modernidad’.



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