EXHIBITIONS / Playing Art. Education, Art and Design

23 March, 2019 - 23 June, 2019
Fundación Juan March, Madrid
Juan Bordes

Featuring loans from public and private institutions and collections in both Spain and abroad, this exhibition juxtaposes a wide-ranging selection of drawing manuals and methods, materials, resources and educational games from the collection of Juan Bordes, the exhibition’s guest curator, with works by the twentieth-century’s leading artists, architects and designers. In "Playing Art. Education, Art and Design", which also boasts the presence of Norman Brosterman and Juliet Kinchin in its curatorial team, educational games are placed alongside examples of twentieth-century art and design, not just according to their formal similarities, which are evident, but also with regard to the historically documented cases of so many artists educated in new pedagogical systems. Both are presented as examples of a common spirit in education and art. If children are educated as artists who must learn through play, it is little surprise that as adults they understand themselves and behave as true ‘professional’ children, devoting the serious game of their lives to that other game—simultaneously elemental and elevated, fun and reflexive—which characterises the finest examples of the art of our time.


Fundación Juan March


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