EXHIBITIONS / Ouka Leele. Supernova

02 June, 2021 - 24 October, 2021
CBA, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid
Elsa Fernández-Santos

Bárbara Allende Gil de Biedma, better known by her professional name Ouka Leele, is one of the most unique and recognisable artists from Madrid’s Movida. Ouka began her idyll with art at a very young age and found inspiration in the dream world. Within these dreamlike landscapes, she reveals incredible scenes which she then transfers to reality and materialises in her work via texts, photographs, drawings and paintings. The theatricality of her images, the challenge of awakening one or several fantasies within each composition, is one of the hallmarks of her works.
The exhibition emerges from a partnership with the Archivo Lafuente, an institution that harbours around 1,500 works by the artist— most of them never before seen—from which photographs, drawings, audiovisual materials and publishing projects from the early days of her career in the 1970s and 1980s were chosen.

Círculo de Bellas Artes
Catalogue on Ediciones La Bahía
Catalogue on La Fábrica


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