13 April, 2018 - 24 June, 2018
Centro José Guerrero, Granada
Óscar Fernández

The basis of this exhibition can be traced back to a subject as old as it is unfinished: the problematic relationship between images and writing, between looking and reading. In fact, the project itself and the artists who developed it set out to inhabit the issue, never to resolve it. This is why the exhibition space resembles a battle field, peppered with noise, conflict and crossed-out sections. The aim was to work in this tumultuous, and sometimes inscrutable, place, where difficulty transforms into a stimulating challenge.

The show brings together works by 20 artists including audiovisual pieces, installations, sculptures, graphic and pictorial work and artist books from the early twentieth century to the present day. Featured artists are led by Mallarmé, Marinetti, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Aleksei Gan and Magritte, followed by the works of Broodthaers, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Maurice Lemaître, William Klein, Baldessari, Rémy Zaugg, Fernando Millán, Klingelhöller, Alfredo Jaar, Ignasi Aballí, Marine Hugonnier, Javier Pividal, Rosa Barba, Michalis Pichler and Greta Alfaro, with a piece produced especially for the exhibition.


Centro José Guerrero
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