José-Miguel Ullán
Manuscript of the book Mortaja, n.d. [1970?]
José-Miguel Ullán
Frases, Madrid: Taller de Ediciones Josefina Betancor, 1975 [inside and selection of photographs for the outline]
José-Miguel Ullán
Outline of the book De un caminante enfermo que se enamoró donde fue hospedado, c. 1976. Collage on paper, 29.5 x 21 cm [selection]
José-Miguel Ullán
Outline of Alarma, c. 1976. Ink on paper, 29.7 x 20.3 cm [selection]
José-Miguel Ullán; Eduardo Chillida; Marguerite Duras
Adoración, Paris: R. L. D., 1977 [box and inside]
José-Miguel Ullán; Pablo Palazuelo
Ardicia, Paris: R. L. D., 1978 [inside]
José-Miguel Ullán; Vicente Rojo
Acorde, Paris: R. L. D., 1979 [box and inside]
José-Miguel Ullán
Originals of the book Acorde, n.d. [1979?]. Mixed media, 29.5 x 21 cm [selection]
José-Miguel Ullán; Antonio Saura
Asedio, Paris: R. L. D., 1980 [unfolded inside]
José-Miguel Ullán; Antoni Tàpies
Anular, Paris: R. L. D., 1981. Original artist book. Mixed media, 33.5 x 26 cm [inside]
José-Miguel Ullán
Originals of poems published in Visto y no visto, 1993
José-Miguel Ullán, Francisco Pino; José Manuel Broto
Porfolio and originals of the cover and inside of En teoría / Tríptico con celosía, 1992-1994 [selection]
Ignacio Gómez de Liaño
Lugar poético: Inficción radial, 1973. Collage on paper, 22.5 x 16.7 cm
Ignacio Gómez de Liaño
Poetic correspondence to José-Miguel Ullán, 1973. Collage on paper, 10.6 x 31.8 cm and 10 x 27.5 cm
Ignacio Gómez de Liaño
Poetic correspondence to Saúl Yurkievich, 1973. Collage on paper, 14 x 23.5 cm and 10.5 x 30 cm
Letter from Octavio Paz to José-Miguel Ullán, Delhi, December 1967
Poem «El obrero textil», by Nicanor Parra, sent by himself to José-Miguel Ullán, n.d.
José-Miguel Ullán
Recordar es vivir, n.d. Ink on paper, 8.5 x 17 cm
José-Miguel Ullán
Untitled, n.d. Collage on paper, 29.6 x 21 cm
1,900 works of art, publications and documents.
José-Miguel Ullán (Villarino de los Aires, Salamanca, 1944–Madrid, 2009) studied political science, social sciences and philosophy in Salamanca and Madrid. In 1966 he took up exile in Paris, where he studied at the École Pratique des Hautes Études together with Pierre Vilar, Roland Barthes and Lucien Goldmann. In Paris he also worked at the Office de Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française (ORTF), managing the Spanish broadcasts of France Culture.
In 1976 he returned to Madrid and was very active in the fields of publishing and cultural journalism fields: he founded the Poesía/Cátedra collection and the publishing house Ave del Paraíso, was a columnist at El País, worked at Radio Nacional de España and Televisión Española, and was deputy director of Diario 16, at which he created the supplement Culturas. He had ties to the world of visual art working as an exhibition curator and co-organising the Salón de los 16, as well as being part of the board of trustees of the Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo. Ullán also collaborated with painters and musicians such as Miró, Chillida, Saura, Tàpies and Luis de Pablo.
The singular and experimental character of his poetry was evident in titles such as Mortaja (1970), Maniluvios (1972), Órganos dispersos (1999) and Amo de llaves (2004). In 2008 he published Ondulaciones. Poesía reunida (1968–2007), a volume that collates all of his poetic work.
Archivo Lafuente’s José-Miguel Ullán collection is composed of more than a thousand documents including correspondence, publications, autographs, original work and projects.