COLLECTION / 1945-1989 / Latin America / Grupo Escombros

560 items.

Grupo Escombros emerged in 1988 in La Plata (Buenos Aires) as a street-art group. It was initially comprised of Luis Pazos, Héctor Puppo, Raúl García Luna, Jorge Puppo, Angélica Converti, Oscar Plasencia, Claudia Puppo and Mónica Rajneri. However, after some sporadic activity, the collective was later made up of Horacio D’Alessandro, David Edward, Héctor Ochoa, Luis Pazos, Héctor Puppo, Juan Carlos Romero and Teresa Volco. The latter group also underwent changes over time, although from the outset it stayed true to its identity as an art collective in which individualities were not recognised. Some of the artists belonging to the group where co-founders of the Movimiento Diagonal Cero, created by Antonio Edgardo Vigo (1968), participated in the happenings of the Instituto di Tella (1969), or comprised the Grupo de los 13 del CAyC (1972).

From 1988 to 2010, through its work and ideas, Grupo Escombros brought together a large number of collaborators from both the art world and the different social collectives in La Plata and the rest of Argentina. Together they worked on actions and experiences, such as Arte en las Ruinas, Arte en la Calle, Crimen Seriado, Juguetes Solidarios and Protesta contra el Hambre.

As part of the neo-avant-garde movements, the fundamental concepts driven forward by Grupo Escombros were: action, collaboration, the street, memory, freedom, public space, experimentation and participation. Their work forms a narrative ensemble constructed by means of varied interdisciplinary materiality (visual, sound, textual, corporal, etc.), which manifested in the form of photographs, performances, demonstrations, written memos and manifestos, and video recordings of ephemeral actions.

Archivo Lafuente boasts more than 560 items related to the group, those of which include photographs (Pancartas series), paintings, drawings, photocopies, multiples, manifestos, posters, leaflets, invitations, books, press cuttings, correspondence, catalogues and objects, among others.



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