Galería Sur opening, Santander, July 1952
María Girona, Santander: Galería Sur, June 1958
La Isla de los Ratones (Hojas de poesía), Santander: La Isla de los Ratones, n.d.
Exposición 3. 21 dibujos de Julio Maruri, Santander: Saloncillo de Alerta, October 1948
Intervened invitation to a poetry reading by Eugenio Nora “Poética (prosa y verso)”, Santander: Proel, September 1951
Ángel de la Hoz
Alfredo Píris, Ramón Calderón-Vázquez, Ángel de la Hoz, Félix Arias, Ángel Medina, Carlos Sansegundo and Manuel Raba in Raba’s studio, Santander, 1949
Ángel de la Hoz
José Hierro, Santander, 1949
Francesc Catalá-Roca
José Llorens-Artigas in his workshop at Gallifa (Barcelona), Gallifa, 1949
Pablo Beltrán de Heredia, Enrique Lafuente Ferrari, Gerardo de Alvear, José del Río Sanz, Ricardo Zamorano and Pablo Schabelsky, among others, during a lunch at La Vizcaína restaurant, n.d. [1950?]
Manuel Arce
Ramón Calderón Vázquez, Ramiro Yurrita, Daniel Gil Pila, Ramón Calderón, Francisco Javier Gil Pila, Fernando Calderón and José Manuel Calderón, Santander, 1950
José Hierro, s.l. [Santillana del Mar?], n.d. [1950?]
Ràfols-Casamada painting a barrel at El Riojano, Santander, 1957
María Girona painting a barrel at El Riojano, Santander, 1957
Miguel Ibars painting a barrel at El Riojano, Santander, n.d. [1957?]
Julio de Pablo painting a barrel at El Riojano, Santander, n.d. [1960?]
Francisco Santamatilde
Gerardo Diego, s.l., 1958
Armando Cardona-Torrandell, Josep María Subirachs, Isabel Garriga, Francisco Todó, María Girona, Albert Ràfols-Casamada and Manuel Arce at the exhibition “Seis Artistas Catalanes” in Galería Sur, Santander, September 1978
7,900 items.
On July 8, 1952 the bookstore and art gallery Sur opened in Santander. Until its closure in 1994 it was run by its founder, the writer and gallery owner Manuel Arce (San Pedro del Acebal, Asturias, 1928-Santander, 2018), who turned it into one of the most prominent spaces in the Spanish art market during the second half of the 20th century, overcoming its peripheral location and putting forward a coherent discourse, while, at the same time, proving capable of adapting to the changing times.
Benjamín Palenciahe’s work inaugurated the gallery, and throughout its history the works of Cantabrian artists (Agustín Riancho, Pancho Cossío and César Abín), the Madrid School (Álvaro Delgado, Luis García Ochoa and Agustín Redondela) and new Catalan painters (Antoni Tàpies, Guinovart and Ràfols-Casamada) could be seen there, as could the works of artists like Llorens Artigas, Gregorio Prieto, Millares, Fernando Zóbel, Cristino Mallo, José Caballero, Eusebio Sempere and Joan Josep Tharrats. Yet, if it were necessary to highlight a few exhibitions, these would undoubtedly be the monographic ones dedicated to María Blanchard, Óscar Domínguez and Pancho Cossío, and the group exhibitions «European Masters» (Chagall, Juan Gris, Magritte, Giorgio Morandi and Fernand Léger) and «Contemporary Classics» (Chillida, Picasso, Miró, Kandinsky and Braque).
The thousands of documents from the Sur Gallery included in Archivo Lafuente include photographs (of works exhibited, exhibitions, artists, and personal ones of Manuel Arce’s life and work), correspondence with artists, assorted exhibition documents (sales invoices, lists of works exhibited with their prices...), a complete collection of gallery catalogs, exhibition brochures, magazines and books.