Rafael Gutiérrez-Colomer Velasco
Untitled, n.d. Silkscreen on cardboard, 62 x 49 cm
Rafael Gutiérrez-Colomer Velasco
Untitled [“Cuando llueve”], from the portfolio Tres forasters en Mallorque, 1975-1978. Silkscreen on cardboard, 49 x 62 cm
Rafael Gutiérrez-Colomer Velasco
“Antonio Fernández Molina”, from the portfolio Tres forasters en Mallorque, 1975-1978. Silkscreen on cardboard, 62 x 49 cm
Rafael Gutiérrez-Colomer Velasco
Homenaje 23 de febrero, 1981. Silkscreen on paper, 32 x 32 cm
Rafael Gutiérrez-Colomer Velasco
“Que será”, from the portfolio Derecha & Izquierda 7/8, n.d.
Rafael Gutiérrez-Colomer Velasco
“Tiempo de amor”, 1978, from the portfolio Derecha & Izquierda 7/8, n.d.
Rafael Gutiérrez-Colomer Velasco
Untitled [«Policía»], from the portfolio Derecha & Izquierda 7/8, 1978
Rafael Gutiérrez-Colomer Velasco
5 poemas cinéticos (1975-77), Pamplona: Euskal Bidea, 1980
La Draga. Arte, arquitectura y urbanismo desde Cantabria, no. 0, Santander: s.n., 1978
Rafael Gutiérrez-Colomer Velasco
Untitled, n.d. Typescript text and pencil on paper, 31.3 x 21.4 cm
Cuévano, numbers 1 to 4, Santander: s.n., March 1977 - February 1978
Grupo Cuévano
Proyecto de puerta para ir a ningún sitio: Jornadas de poesía visual, Santander: Ministerio de Cultura / Caja de Ahorros, 1979. Poster
Ángel Cosmos
Poesía visual, Santander: Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes, 1979. Poster
Juan Uslé
Gutiérrez-Colomer, Santander, 1980
Gutiérrez Colomer, n.d.
900 works of art, publications and documents.
(Santander, 1937–Madrid, 1986). Trained as an architect, Gutiérrez-Colomer Velasco was also a painter, editor and poet. A pioneer, alongside Isaac Cuende, in experimental poetry in Cantabria, he began the cultural movement known as Cuévano and created and ran the magazine Draga, in addition to being a notable cultural promoter and a driving force behind various conferences, publications and meetings. In 1978 he organised the Architecture and Urbanism Symposium and the Cantabrian Visual Poetry Conference.
Experimental poetry, in all its explosive, scintillating and instantaneous intuition, was the field in which he was most prominent. It was the form of expression that, without a doubt, best suited his skills: the brilliance of his intelligence and wit condensed into a rush of letters and images combining to express a thought, an epigram, a witty aphorism. He sadly did not bestow us with many works in this area, but masters such as Fernando Millán admit that his virtuosity, traces of consolidation and expressive resonance pulsate through all of them.
Particularly notable works include Transido en el taller de la palabra (1978), Desprendida (1979), Derecha & Izquierda (1980), Cinco poemas cinéticos (1980), Oficio de poeta (José Luis Núñez Prize 1982), Ars Amandi (1982), Épica de mariposas (1983), Eros, Cronos y Tanatos (José Hidalgo Prize, 1986), Con Suecia en la memoria (1987) and the posthumous Los años jubilares (2006). In the Rafael Gutiérrez-Colomer Velasco collection, Archivo Lafuente preserves correspondence, autographs, ephemeral material, original works, magazines, books, posters, photographs, press cuttings and catalogues.