COLLECTION / 1900-1945 / Spain / Spanish Publishers (1920s–30s)

300 publications.

This collection brings together over 300 books by a diverse selection of authors (Concha Espina, Gómez de la Serna, Gorki, Proust, John Dos Passos, etc.) with various themes (political essays, history, novels, etc.) all published in Spain in the twenties and thirties primarily by Madrid-based printing houses, which incorporated, into their editorial output design and typographic advances (photographs, photomontages, the function of elements on the page, geometric rigour, legibility, asymmetries, the semantic transparency of signs, etc.) originating from Italian futurism, Dutch and Russian constructivists, the German Bauhaus and new industrial printing models heavily influenced by the new art of advertising.

The collection spans publishers such as Ulises, Biblos, Cénit, Zeus, Espasa-Calpe, Renacimiento, Ediciones Oriente, Mundo Latino, Compañía Iberoamericana de Publicaciones, Biblioteca Nueva and Historia Nueva, among others, whose covers were illustrated and designed by artists such as José Renau, Ramón Puyol, Herreros Escribá, Santiago Pelegrín, García Maroto, Arturo Souto, Benet, Sáez de Tejada, Mauricio Amster and Rivero Gil.


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