COLLECTION / 1900-1945 / Spain / Eduardo Westerdahl and Óscar Domínguez

350 works of art, publications and documents.

The painter, art critic and writer Eduardo Westerdahl (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1902–1983) was an active firebrand in the cultural life of Tenerife and Spain in general during the first third of the twentieth century. The artist was heavily influenced by the avant-garde works that he discovered on his travels through Europe in 1931, after which he founded the legendary magazine Gaceta de arte (Tenerife, 1932–1936) that he directed throughout its four years of existence. Largely due to the many connections that Westerdahl formed, Gaceta de arte benefited from international collaborations with the likes of Le Corbusier, Willi Baumeister, Gertrude Stein, Tristan Tzara, Jean Cassou, Herbert Read, André Breton, Paul Éluard and Benjamin Péret, among others. In the post-war era, Westerdahl was also involved in the conferences of the Escuela de Altamira (1949 and 1950).

This collection spans not only documentation related to the work of Westerdahl as a writer, photographer, editor of Gaceta de arte and driving force behind various cultural initiatives, but also documentary evidence of his friendship with the painter Óscar Domínguez. In addition to a complete collection of Gaceta de arte (and everything issued by the magazine’s publishing house), the collection also includes part of Westerdahl’s library, as well as original and graphic work by Óscar Domínguez, all the books that the latter illustrated (in two cases, the mock-ups with the original drawings), as well as photographs and various collections of correspondence.



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