Paul Éluard; Max Ernst
Répétitions, Paris: Au sans pareil, 1922
Benjamin Péret, Pierre Naville
La Révolution surréaliste, 1st year, no. 1, Paris: Librairie Gallimard, 1 December 1924
La peinture surréaliste, Paris: Galerie Pierre, 1925
Tableaux de Man Ray et objets des iles, Paris: Editions Surréalistes, n.d. [1926?]
Benjamin Péret; Yves Tanguy
Dormir dormir dans les pierres, Paris: Editions Surréalistes, 1927
André Breton
Le Surréalisme au service de la révolution, no. 1, Paris: Librairie José Corti, n.d. [July 1930?]
Les livres surréalistes ainsi que les publications surréalistes sont toujours en vente à la librairie José Corti, Paris: [1931?]
Albert Skira, E. Tériade; Pablo Ruiz Picasso
Minotaure: revue artistique et littéraire, 1st year, no. 1, Paris: Albert Skira, February 1933
Boletín internacional del surrealismo, no. 2, Santa Cruz de Tenerife: s.n., October 1935
André Breton
Exposición surrealista organizada en el Ateneo de Santa Cruz de Tenerife por «Gaceta de Arte», Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Gaceta de Arte, n.d. [1935?]
Hans Bellmer
La poupée, Paris: G. L. M., 1936
Alfred H. Barr Jr.
Fantastic Art Dada Surrealism, New York: The Museum of Modern Art, December 1936
Exposition internationale du surréalisme de 1938, Paris: Galerie Beaux-Arts, 1938. Poster
André Breton, Paul Éluard
Exposition internationale du surréalisme de 1938, Paris: Galerie Beaux-Arts, 17 January 1938
Braulio Arenas, Teófilo Cid, Enrique Gómez Carrillo
Mandrágora, numbers 1 and 6, Santiago de Chile: s.n., December 1938 - September 1941
Letter to André Breton, London, 3 July 1946
Marcel Duchamp; André Breton
Le surréalisme en 1947 [Prière de toucher], Paris: Pierre à Feu / Maeght, 1947
Neon: N’être rien, Etre tout, Ouvrir l’être, no. 1, Paris: Librairie La Hune, January 1948
André Breton
Boîte alerte. Missives lascives. Exposition internationale du surrealisme 1959-1960, Paris: Galerie Daniel Cordier, 1959-1960
Almost 300 works of art and documents.
The Archivo Lafuente collection of documents dedicated to surrealism allows us to trace the progress of the movement as it spread to various countries in Europe and the United States.
Within the collection, the series of materials related to the so-called ‘father of surrealism’, the French poet, writer and theorist André Breton, particularly stand out. The series spans all the books that he published, as well as the magazines that he spearheaded —La Révolution Surréaliste (1924–1929), Le Surréalisme au Service de la Révolution (1930–1933), Minotaure (1933–1939), etc.— in addition to the vast amount of documentation produced for the surrealist exhibitions that he himself organised throughout France and other countries, including Spain, Italy, England and Mexico, among others.
Archivo Lafuente brings together over 300 surrealist works and documents, including magazines, books, catalogues, correspondence, posters, pamphlets, photographs, invitations, printed matter and more. In addition to the aforementioned André Breton, the collection contains works and documents by such artists as Louis Aragon, Man Ray, Salvador Dalí, Paul Éluard, Hans Bellmer, Benjamin Péret and Yves Tanguy, among others.