COLLECTION / 1900-1945 / Cantabria / Art and Literature

100 publications and documents.

This heading refers to a set of documents related to artists and writers who were born in Santander and Cantabria and who completed a significant part of their oeuvre before World War II. These include poets such as Gerardo Diego, Jesús Cancio and José del Río Sainz; scholars such as Rafael Gutiérrez Colomer-Sánchez and artists such as Francisco Rivero Gil, Pancho Cossío and Luis Quintanilla.

This collection boasts original works by the artist Luis Quintanilla; original drawings by Francisco Rivero Gil on the war in Morocco; handwritten poems by the poet Jesús Cancio; a handwritten manuscript by Pancho Cossío, dated in Paris in 1931, in which he speaks of his artistic calling; and the first handwritten letter sent in 1920 by Gerardo Diego from Santander to Vicente Huidobro in Paris.

Among the publications that comprise this collection are the first edition of Hampa (1923) by José del Río, with woodcuts by Pancho Cossío; first editions of books by Gerardo Diego (Imagen -1922-, Manual de Espumas -1922-, Versos humanos -1925-, Vía Crucis -1931- and his anthologies of Spanish poetry from 1932 and 1934); the complete collection of the magazine Carmen and its supplement Lola, both run by Gerardo; the first editions of books published in the U.S.A. and illustrated by Luis Quintanilla; and, finally, the complete collection of the first period of the Santander-based magazine Proel (1944-1945), a milestone among the literary magazines published in the Spanish post-war period.


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